# Introduction

nuxt-ioc is a implementation of IoC/DI patterns working with Nuxt.js


This library is intended for TypeScript development only. Vanilla-JS is not supported due to need of use of decorators.

Our concepts are based on IoC, DI and heavily inspired by great frameworks like Java Spring and Nest.js.

You might also see similarities to Angular framework but those are rather by just using same concepts of DI. Differently from angular nuxt-ioc tries to be simple and keep the low-entry level for which we all love Vue.js for.

Currently in a stable beta version nuxt-ioc allows you to quickly start your journey in object-oriented programing still using Vue.js simplicity and flat learning curve.

nuxt-ioc provides a set of decorators, helpers and tools that will ease your development journey allowing you to keep your code clean and structurized even for big-scale front-end projects.

Under the hood nuxt-ioc uses great Inversify library.

# Motivation

Vue.js is a great and simple framework. Nuxt.js organizes basic concepts of SSR, middleware and provides simple structure for files. nuxt-ioc is ment to be the next level of making this ecosystem more of a framework than a set of libraries zipped together. At the time of creation of nuxt-ioc there were no easy solutions allowing similar syntax-sugar and DI approach for Vue.js/Nuxt applications. Similar can be found but does not solve the problem typically for typescript nor implement full IoC containers.

Several sources that mention vue/nuxt IoC approaches:

  • IoC container pattern with Vue (implementation requires vue provide syntax)
  • vue-ioc (is more angular-like, forces to manage dependencies from Root component files instead of dedicated typescript file like in nuxt-ioc)